Orpheus Elegies (2003-04)
Harrison Birtwistle
Plays: 12069
for oboe, harp and countertenor
Elegy 26, Sonnet II, 29
Duration: 01 mins 03 secs
Melinda Maxwell/Helen Tunstall/Andrew Watts
(p) 2009 Melinda Maxwell © 2009 Oboe Classics
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Und wenn dich das Irdische vergass,
zu der stillen Erde sag: Ich rinne.
Zu dem raschen Wasser sprich: Ich bin.
And when the world has forgotten you,
tell the quiet earth: I flow.
To the rushing water say: I am.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), Sonnet II, 29 (last verse)
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