2017: Yun at 100
Listen to Isang Yun's music with over 50 audio clips
Calendar of events in the birthday year
Scores and music on sale from our online shop
Recommended CDs of Isang Yun's works
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A quick overview of Isang Yun and his music
Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer on Yun's music (in English and German)
A year by year alignment of Yun's life
View works by Yun

The centenary of Isang Yun in 2017 offers the opportunity to explore this pioneering composer’s works which combine the tradition of Eastern-Asian music with Western avant-garde techniques.
Erkunden Sie anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstages 2017 das vielseitige Schaffen von Isang Yun – in seiner einzigartigen Musiksprache verschmelzen ostasiatische Wurzeln und westeuropäische Avantgarde.